Crypto Exchanges

Crypto Exchanges: What is an exchange?

A crypto exchange let’s you buy and exchange your dollars or currency from any country (commonly known as fiat currency) into crypto such as bitcoin or ethereum. The exchange can be used to store your crypto like a wallet as well. Remember at the time this book was published, there are over 1500 different crypto coins on the market. There are two things you need to look out for when choosing an exchange.

  1. Service safety and security. It is critical to ensure that your data will not be leaked to any other party.
  2. The availability of certificates, like the PCI DSS, serves as proof of service safety. The regulation of exchanges is also important. Google and find out what people are saying about the exchanges. Below are three popular crypto exchanges:
    1. Coinbase, the largest in the US.
    2. Binance, the largest in the world
    3., a popular up and exchange.