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Our goal for this site is to provide education in the crypto currency space to the masses. Before you can even think of getting rich in crypto you need to understand what and where did crypto originate and how you navigate through the process. A statistic I recently read (can’t remember the name of the publication), it estimated that in the last year, people new to crypto have been scammed out of 82 Billion dollars in the past twelve months. The purpose of crypto was to have a way for the people to control their own money instead of banks, companies or governments. Many experts predict that the world will run on crypto currencies in the coming years. I personally feel that this type of currency is here to protect the average person from losing their hard earned savings such as stocks or bonds or the banking industry implodes. Crypto currency transactions are made with no middle men, meaning no banks. We want to answer questions and provide tips to help you make educated decisions without getting scammed.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I was and still am a licensed insurance agent in the State of California. None of what I provide in writing should be considered financial advice. It is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you may lose your entire investment. The information provided to you on video or live during a live presentation should at all times be considered general information concerning the technology behind blockchain, cryptocurrency and the possible opportunities to participate in the opportunities provided by these technologies. Under no circumstances should this any of our information be considered as any type of solicitation, investment or financial advice. The information is provided to you in general terms without taking notice of your specific personal and financial situation. Prior results of digital assets and crypto exchange market results are nothing more than a reflection of the past results, without being any guarantee of future performance. The attendees/viewers need to evaluate the risks inherent to participating on their own behalf. We suggest you seek the advice of a suitably qualified professional who can help you to take the relevant decisions after evaluating your personal and financial situation. Your continued viewing of the information indicates your acceptance of the above terms.